Research Division on Supercomputing Systems


Sasaki made a presentation at iWAPT2021

Hi, this is Sasaki, a master-course student.

IPDPS2021(35th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium) was held from May 17th to 21st.

Although the name is “Parallel & Distributed Processing,” its scope is so large, from architecture to cloud computing and neural networks, and it is like a “mini-SC.”

The conference had been scheduled to be held in Portland, US, but was held online like last year.

In a workshop, iWAPT2021(The 16th International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning), I made a presentation about the file I/O characteristics of heterogeneous HPC systems and the necessity of auto-tuning.

The details of the presentation are shown as follows.


IPDPS2022 will be held in Lyon, France if it can be held face-to-face.

I hope to be able to go abroad soon!